Choose the style or template of the bachelorette invitation you want to use. Many sites feature templates that you can download to create your own invitations and print them out on your computer. The template you choose should be related to a specific theme for the party. The theme may be similar to the wedding theme, for example, if it's a Christmas Wedding, the bachelorette party might have a "Naughty and Nice" theme or "Santa's Goody Bag" theme.
Use Microsoft Word to create your invitations. Most word processing programs, Microsoft Word included, feature templates for creating documents on your computer. In Microsoft Word 2007, choose "New Document," select "Invitations" from the templates list. Microsoft Word offers a variety of templates including Event, Party and Wedding invitations all of which are adaptable to create a bachelorette invitation.
Create invitations on your social networking site. Many social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook offer you the ability to invite multiple people to an event. You simply create the bachelorette event announcement and send it out to specific female friends you want to invite.
Create e-vites. Similar to social networking sites, e-vites or email invites are easily created and sent online at little to no cost. The e-vites take advantage of the technological age while at the same time speeding the invitations to their destinations.
Write your own invitations. If you're good with calligraphy or simply have beautiful penmanship, write out your own invitations and mail them by hand. This is the simplest method, but also the one that requires the most personal investment of time for creating and sending the bachelorette invitations.